Salai Vedha Viradhan
Blender, Python, and 3D stuff.
Dynamic Objects – Create Properties That Can Be Modified Anytime (source files)
Generating a Spiral Staircase – BMesh Crash Course (source files)
Transformation Matrix – Interactive BLEND File
Build your own Live Links for Blender (and more)
Blender Python Cheatsheet
Modifier Stack Manager for Blender
Generate a Spiral Staircase using BMesh – Creating the Balusters
August 8, 2023
Transformation Matrix – Interactive BLEND file
July 10, 2023
Blender Python Bites #7 – Implementing your own Context Managers
July 7, 2023
Blender Python Bites #6 – Arbitrary transforms using Transformation Matrices
July 6, 2023
Create a live 3D clock in Blender in less than 10 lines of Python 😎
June 23, 2023
🚀 Blender Python Cheatsheet – A Handy Reference for the Blender API
March 10, 2023
Dunders in Blender II – Building an Expressive Syntax
March 5, 2023
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